January 25, 2011

"Running the government on 8¢"

CNNMoney.com reports:

Barring serious efforts to curb the growth in the country's debt, by 2020 Washington could be spending 92 cents of every tax dollar on Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and interest alone. That would leave just 8 cents to pay for everything else.

Does that put the problem in perspective for you?

Tom Sirois

Great Barrington, MA

January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Hope you all have a safe, content New Year.

I try not to make resolutions, I rather make "intentions" and take it one day, or week at a time surrounding my goals. Health and wealth are on the top of my list this coming year.

I came across a great post on a website www.minyanville.com:  Things I've Learned. There is a nice amount of information to reflect upon.

Tom Sirois
Great Barrington, MA